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Attract people with a better story
— and have fun doing it.

Authentic marketing for fast thinkers, creative, minds and bold innovators.
A fresh combination of solid strategy, good storytelling, and a big spoon of let’s-get-it-done. 

Attract people with a better story — and have fun doing it.

Authentic marketing for fast thinkers, creative, minds and bold innovators.

A fresh combination of solid strategy, good storytelling, and a big spoon of let’s-get-it-done.

Quick check. Is this you?

Let’s walk through a few things and see how you feel about it.

"Ugh, marketing"

You don’t really like marketing, you don’t get around to it as much as you think you should. You’re proud of what you offer, but you wish you could tell a better story about it.

Inconsistent results

You don’t really have a plan, and your marketing and sales have inconsistent results. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, and you’re not entirely clear why.

Need to explain often

You often need to explain what you do and why it’s valuable, and you wish that wasn’t necessary. 

Uncomfortable with the usual marketing/sales tricks

You’re not a fan of the usual salesy marketing and sales approaches but you’re not sure how to do it differently.

Results: What you get when working with me

I help you to get clarity, and a good story that sells, but also to actually implement it. 

A solid strategy that helps you stand out in your market

You’ll be able to position yourself clearly so that you can shine with your unique added value, reducing competition, and making it easier to grow.

A compelling story that helps you attract people

You’ll be able to tell an engaging, compelling story that can capture people’s attention, make them remember you, and move them to take action.

A process that keeps you going and gets things done

You’ll have a clear process for your marketing and sales, so you’ll know what to do, that’s going to help you achieve your goals.

Hi! I’m Marisa, nice to meet you.

Hi, I’m Marisa, nice to meet you.

Hi, I’m Marisa van Velzen. Glad you’re here, thanks for taking a moment to drop by!

I’m a people-person, and for me, marketing and sales is really about connecting people, in an honest and authentic way. I care deeply about keeping things human, especially in a world full for disconnected, digital interactions. That’s why I love video for marketing and sales as well. If you do it well, it gets a lot closer to normal human contact.

I believe marketing works best when it actually feels good, for entrepreneurs and their customers. Sleazy tricks don’t build trust. Showing up in the world, being a real person and helping others does. 

I love strategy too. I can’t help but look at the bigger picture, and think about how you can stand out as a business or a brand. I love solving that puzzle of the product/market fit, tweaking value propositions, to figure out something that really brings out the unique value, of the product or service, but also people’s personalities.

So, that’s me in a nutshell! You can read more on the About page if you like.

The difference – Meridaux vs. a traditional marketing agency

Well, I’m an independent marketing/sales consultant who’s also a coordinator; but I also approach marketing differently. Here’s what that means:

With the average marketing agency:


They focus more on the short term, getting quick but superficial results, and are usually very campaign-oriented.


They just don’t really pay attention to the business side of marketing strategy.


They heavily focus on online marketing. 


You’re sort of stuck with them; they will provide all services and there’s little flexibility.

With Meridaux:


I use a deeper strategic approach, closely aligned with the business, focused on standing out with unique value.


I help you do Actually Authentic marketing without salesy tricks, building trust and real connections.


I’m very pragmatic, open to online and offline marketing/sales and PR tactics.


I’m completely independent and therefore very flexible: I will work with your team, any parties you already have, or specialists from my network.

So, how does it work?

You can think of me as a strategic and practical longer-term partner to support your marketing and sales.
Here’s how I work:

The foundation: Strategy sessions

In a few sessions we dive deeper into all the fundamentals of your marketing, to come up with a solid strategy that gives you a good product/market fit and clear positioning.

Building a story that sells

We translate your strategy into a concrete story and a brand identity that will engage the right people, helping you communicate wherever necessary.

Implementation that gets results

We’ll work together as long as needed, setting up a process that helps you experiment, evaluate results and keep moving.

Well, well. What do others say about all this?

Yes, I do have them: Actually Authentic testimonials.

Great to have an independent and versatile freelancer

“I’ve been working for more than a year with Marisa and it’s been great. I’d rather work with a freelancer who can keep oversight than a full marketing agency.

Marisa helps us both strategically as practically, she’s very versatile. It’s very convenient that she also knows a lot about webdevelopment, that’s been very helpful for building up our new website.

Sometimes she’s a little too much into the details, but it’s great she’s keeping an eye on everything!”

Ron Molendijk, owner, AutoLeaseCenter – current client

A reliable creative partner for collaborations

Marisa and I have been collaborating regularly in the past years. We complement each other nicely; she’s great with communication strategy, scripting for videos or other copywriting. She’s smart and very driven, always has creative ideas for our productions. Great sparring partner. 

She’s sometimes a bit too modest about what she can do, but that’s not necessary at all. She shares my passion for video, for story telling and technology, and loves to learn something new, so that makes it fun to work with her.

Kjell Schipper, Creative Director, ClearStory – current partner


Strategic advice helped me a lot

I’ve known Marisa for a couple of years, we occasionally work together. She helped me very well with strategic advice, which gave me new ideas, that have been fruitful to this day.

Besides this she’s a great copywriter, she’s written for our website. I appreciate that she really wants to get to the core, what the essence of the story is.  She also been very helpful when I had an emergency with my site.

For me it’s very important that I can really trust people, and I have that trust in Marisa. She does what she says, and that’s what matters.

 Danny Akker, Owner, True Fiction – past client

Let’s talk! Book a free Discovery Call

Curious what we can do together?

Let’s have a short call to discuss what you’d like to achieve.

I’ll send you a couple of questions so we can make the most of our time on the call.

Looking forward to our chat!